Bio / Who is?

Who is Janice D. Green? You tell me and we will both know…

    • a 77 year-old grandmother with a little girl’s heart locked up inside
    • a child of the King of Glory
    • wife of the retired bee-man-turned-editor-twice-retired, and other neat stuff
    • retired elementary school library media specialist who misses reading to children
    • Bible believer passionate about promoting faith and Bible literacy to children, teens, young families, and anyone else who might stop and read it for themselves
    • author of Bible storybooks: The Creation;  Jonah, the Fearful Prophet; and Baby Jesus . . . Messiah!
    • dabbler in art and self-taught quilter
    • lover of nature and the out-of-doors, yet who struggles to tear herself away from her computer to get out and enjoy it
    • kind hearted, encourager (says hubby)
    • blogger and writer who is still developing her writer voice
    • poet – dabbling in this genre to write about nature

To learn more about her writing adventures, click on the links in the blogroll on the left sidebar. Each leads to a different area of her writing and/or interests.

4 thoughts on “Bio / Who is?”

    1. I would love to do an author visit. I live in South Carolina. I would also be willing to Skype with your classroom or school.

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