Don’t Underestimate God

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine you are praying. Would you be praying to God or to Jesus? What kinds of images go through your mind?

Recently a lady in my Bible study group spoke of a man who struggled with believing God could be powerful because when he tried to imagine God, all he saw was a paper Jesus on a flannel board from his childhood memories. How could a God like that, he reasoned, help anyone? Could he really perform miracles?

Today is Transfiguration Sunday. The Scripture in Mark 9 show us Peter, James, and John as they were privileged to witness the dynamic vision of the transfigured Jesus, so different from what they were accustomed to. Jesus’ clothes became radiant before them, intensely white, and Jesus stood talking with Moses and Elijah. Continue reading “Don’t Underestimate God”

Black lives DO matter, right?

Anyone who knows me well knows that I have always had a passion for improving relations between people of different ethnic backgrounds. Among my earliest memories take me to a time when I asked my mama where my daddy was. I was a toddler and my father was a pastor. I naturally wondered why he was gone so much. Mama told me he was out “calling” on families. One time she added that Daddy was calling on people who had dark brown skin. That was the first time I knew this group of people even existed, but I also knew that they were important or Daddy wouldn’t be going to visit them. I remember looking out the car windows for dark skinned people hoping to see one when we went for a ride. Continue reading “Black lives DO matter, right?”